Friday, 2 December 2016

Interdigital Filter for ADS-B
(click to enlarge)
(click to enlarge)
A first attempt at a homebuilt interdigital filter for 1090mhz.
Based on the design and calculator at
Finally had a chance to do a wider scan of the filter's response. For a first attempt, I was pleased with the result, although the drop-off is a bit steep.
(click to enlarge)

Thursday, 1 December 2016

November 2016 Rangeplot

from Planeplotter
(click to enlarge)
and from Virtual Radar Server

(click to enlarge)
outermost red ring is 300 nautical miles
Just prior to the end of November, the antenna and receiver were returned to the roof for the winter, protected by a heavy aluminium case.

Monday, 31 October 2016

October 2016 Rangeplot.

 from Planeplotter

(click to enlarge)

and from Virtual Radar Server

 (click to enlarge)
Sometimes a single flight will register on VRS, but be barely visible on Planeplotter.

Since a power failure took out my outside receiver, most of October was recorded using indoor antennas. I hope to have the rooftop electronics reinstalled before the snow flies again.