Wednesday, 1 February 2017

January 2017 Rangeplot
from Planeplotter

(click to enlarge)
and from Virtual Radar Server
(click to enlarge)
The maximum distance recorded during the month was 247 nautical miles (457 kilometers)
These distances were achieved with the gain set to 28db in the Dump1090-mutability decoding software.
(click to enlarge)
During the first half of January, outdoor temperatures dropped to -34C with wind chills reaching -47C. The core temperature of the Orange Pi PC outside on the roof reached a low of only -16C. While unable to directly measure the temperature of the Flightaware ProStickPlus, it also would have been very cold but performed flawlessly. Sensitivity of the ProStickPlus appeared to improve as the temperature dropped. I need to start planning to add some venting to prevent the electronics from overheating in the summer months.